Tag Archives: democracy

NY Governor’s Executive Order a Move Toward Nazism

New York’s governor, David A. Paterson, is following the path of pre-Hilter Reich led by the Kaiser. He was notorious for bypassing the processes of a Democratic government. In order to accomplish what he wanted often in opposition of the duly elected legislator, he employed the dictatorial tool of the executive order. It is only dictatorial tool available to the executive provided by a democratic form of government. Hitler was democratically elected. Once elected, Hitler took the common use of the executive order for making public law to its final purpose.

The move toward totalitarianism is already blatantly practiced by gays and their supportive politicians. Gov. Patterson has taken the next step toward a totalitarian state. When people with a moral conscience are no longer permitted to freely criticize the behavioral politics of sexual immorality, their Constitutional rights have been usurped. When moral or religious people are fired for the same reasons, the supposed liberal right to employment becomes non-existent. More importantly, so does their right to assembly in term of economics. When employers are forced to hire those whose behavior offend their religious or moral beliefs, business owner have lost their 1st amendment rights. When ex-gays cannot freely speak at churches, college campuses, or in other public without fascist gays disrupting their meeting to an extent that riot police must be involved, American of opposing views have in-effect lost their free speech rights. That is especially so because typically police do not forceful remove radical and violent gays from the premises of those public forums.

For public officials to abolish the moral bases of social law is to violate the very principle of our Republican form of constitutional government rooted in natural law and religion. Consent of the many does not make constitutional law when it violates the other part of Declaration of Independence that speaks of appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions and ith a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.

Besides, gay politics claim civil rights to justify their politics. Yet, civil rights law founded on the 14th and 15 amendments are directly linked to the Declaration of Independence. The equality spoken of in the Declaration is part of natural law as given by the Creator, Providence, and Supreme Judge– in other words, God. God did not create homosexuals. It is obvious to both Reason and Revelation that God make male and female for sexual relations, which is the a major reason for marriage. Natural law states that any practice contrary to nature is evil. That what gay politics is all about.

Leading the totalitarian charge is gay organizations like Amnesty International, Gay Straight Alliance Network International, GLAAD, GLSEN, Human Rights Campaign, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Lambda Legal, Marriage Equality, Stonewall Democrats. They are supported mostly by those of the liberal, humanist, and socialist persuasion including organizations like Democratic party, United Nations, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, many corporations, American Civil Liberties Union, and the like. Senators Obama and Clinton officially support the gay agenda.

Sacramento Community, ACLU, and Creating More Ted Bundys

The following report is another demonstration of the ACLU’s disregard for community values, democratic process, moral decency, and impressionable children. They care about only one thing forcing on America their radical and anarchical secular views.

Last spring, the Sacramento Public Library Authority (SPLA) Board voted – by a slim majority – to adopt an Internet-use policy aimed at maintaining a “safe, welcoming and comfortable environment.” This action was seen as a compromise position.

Now, the SPLA Board is being pushed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to increase access to pornography on taxpayer-funded computers. The Board will consider the ACLU’s demands at its meeting this afternoon, March 27, in the chambers of the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, 700 H Street. The public meeting begins at 3:30 p.m.

Local parents and taxpayers are encouraged to attend the meeting, and to urge the Board to keep libraries safe for kids. An attorney from Pacific Justice Institute will also be present to counter ACLU claims that the First Amendment requires taxpayer-funded access to porn, and to remind the Board of the many tragic instances where lax policies have resulted in sex crimes taking place at libraries.

Does America exist to fulfill the secular agenda of anarchical socialists like the ACLU? Who said pornography is a free speech right? Library computers are public forums. So what happened to laws protecting public decency and forbidding public obscenity? I know Americans are supposed to bow to the fear-mongering of the mighty ACLU and also pass public policies to protect the equal rights of the Ted Bundys of society. Ted Bundy said his path to mass rape and murder began by consuming pornography. Maybe the ACLU actually wants a lot more people like Bundy. You have got to admit it would give them a lot more business.

A national class-action suit against the ACLU is what is actually needed in America. California is a cultural trend setter; why shouldn’t it begin in California?

News Source: California Family Council