Category Archives: morality

Democratic National Committee gave $25,000 to defeat Calif. marriage amendment

The Democratic National Committee has given $25,000 to help defeat a proposed constitutional marriage amendment in California, despite the fact that a significant percentage of Democrats in the state are expected to support it this fall.

The DNC’s donation was made to Equality for All, a leading homosexual activist group in the state seeking to keep “gay marriage” legal.

If passed, the amendment, known as Proposition 8, would protect the natural definition of marriage, thus overturning the state supreme court’s May decision legalizing “gay marriage.”

The DNC’s donation and others like them have helped opponents of Prop 8 raise more than $6 million, according to tabulations by the Los Angeles Times. The donation was first listed on the California Secretary of State’s website in May about a week before the high court issued its decision.

The DNC’s donation isn’t a huge surprise, being that Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean supports “gay marriage.” Additionally, presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama opposes Proposition 8, calling it “divisive and discriminatory.”

Earlier this year Obama wrote a letter to the Alice B. Toklas Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Democratic Club in which he declared, “I am proud to join with and support the LGBT community in an effort to set our nation on a course that recognizes LGBT Americans with full equality under the law.”

Exit polls in 2000 showed that about a third of Democrats in California voted for Proposition 22, a statute which banned “gay marriage.” It was one of several laws overturned by the California high court’s ruling. Proposition 8 would place nearly identical language as Proposition 22 in the constitution.

Proposition 8 reads, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California.”

Messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in June passed a resolution urging Southern Baptists in California to work and vote for passage of the amendment and for all Southern Baptists and other Christians to pray for its passage. The resolution passed nearly unanimously.
Michael Foust is an assistant editor of Baptist Press.

Los Angeles Times confuses the ‘gay marriage’ issue

By R. Albert Mohler Jr., Baptist Press

The fact that the Los Angeles Times favors “same-sex marriage” is not a new revelation. To the contrary, the paper has positioned itself in support of “same-sex marriage” for some time.

Furthermore, no informed reader will be surprised to find that the paper’s editorial position is quite liberal. Given our cherished commitment to the freedom of the press, the paper has every right to position itself this way. Intelligent readers are responsible to be aware of this fact, and take this editorial posture into account when considering the paper’s coverage of controversial issues — like “same-sex marriage” and Proposition 8.

Proposition 8 will appear on the November ballot in California. The proposition — put on the ballot by public support — is an attempt to return the state’s marriage law to where it stood earlier this year, with marriage defined as the union of a man and a woman.

California’s state constitution does not mention “same-sex marriage.” In 2000 the people of California voted by an overwhelming margin to pass an initiative, Proposition 22, which stated: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

That is where the matter stood until May 15 of this year, when California’s Supreme Court ruled by a vote of 4-3 that “same-sex marriages” must be legalized and recognized in the state. Thus, Proposition 22 and all similar laws were struck down by the court, and the court ordered that the state must allow and recognize same-sex marriages effective approximately one month later.

Proposition 8 is a citizen-initiated response to that Supreme Court decision and an effort to return marriage in California to the legal definition effective as recently as May 14 of this year. The language of Proposition 8 mirrors that of Proposition 22, but differs in that it would amend the state constitution to define marriage.

The editors of the Los Angeles Times want voters to defeat Proposition 8 and, in effect, to confirm the action of California’s Supreme Court that overturned the will of voters expressed in 2000. The fact that the paper wants to see Proposition 8 defeated is not surprising, but the arguments employed by the paper’s editors are nothing less than breathtaking.

The paper speaks to the issue in an editorial published on Aug. 8. The editors began their arguments with this introductory paragraph:

“It’s the same sentence as in 2000: ‘Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.’ Yet the issue that will be put before voters Nov. 4 is radically different. This time, the wording would be used to rescind an existing constitutional right to marry. We fervently hope that voters, whatever their personal or religious convictions, will shudder at such a step and vote no on Proposition 8.”

The editors argue that Proposition 8 would “rescind an existing constitutional right to marry.” The California Constitution still does not mention “same-sex marriage.” No such right existed before May 15. The right exists now only by judicial action, not by any amendment to the constitution.

But, even after referring to the marriage of same-sex couples as “an existing constitutional right,” the editors went even further to declare same-sex marriage a “fundamental right.”

In their words:

“The state of same-sex marriage shifted in May, when the California Supreme Court overturned Proposition 22, the ban on gay marriage that voters approved eight years ago, and ruled that marriage was a fundamental right under the state Constitution. As such, it could not be denied to a protected group — in this case, gay and lesbian couples.

“What voters must consider about Proposition 8 is that, unlike Proposition 22, this is no longer about refining existing California law. In the wake of the court’s ruling, the only way to deny marriage to gay and lesbian couples is by revising constitutional rights themselves. Proposition 8 seeks to embed wording in the Constitution that would eliminate the fundamental right to same-sex marriage.”

Indeed, the court did rule that the right of same-sex couples to marry is a “fundamental right” — a right that is either enshrined within the constitution, drawn from the notion of natural rights, or a necessary implication of the constitution. The court also defined homosexuals as a protected group and thus deserving of a special attention in questions of rights.

But the California Supreme Court is not the final authority in such matters — the people are. The court and its decisions are ultimately accountable to the people, who can, when motivated by great concern or outrage, change the court’s composition or amend the constitution itself.

The editors of the paper write as if the decision of the California Supreme Court is unassailable, unchangeable and irreversible. None of these things is true. The court did declare “same-sex marriage” to be a fundamental right, but that decision is now, by definition, tentative and potentially temporary. California’s voters must keep this firmly in mind. The voters of California now have the opportunity to define and defend marriage and to return the state’s definition of marriage to where it stood just three months ago.

This entire controversy, illustrated by the paper’s editorial, is an illustration of the legal, cultural and moral breakdown described by Harvard law professor Mary Ann Glendon as “rights talk.” In her 1991 book, “Rights Talk: The Impoverishment of Political Discourse,” Glendon defined the problem as “our increasing tendency to speak of what is most important to us in terms of rights, and to frame nearly every social controversy as a clash of rights.”


“The most distinctive features of our American rights dialect are the very ones that are most conspicuously in tension with what we require in order to give a reasonably full and coherent account of what kind of society we are and what kind of polity we are trying to create: its penchant for absolute, extravagant formulations, its near-aphasia concerning responsibility, its excessive homage to individual independence and self-sufficiency, its habitual concentration on the individual and the state at the expense of the intermediate groups of civil society, and its unapologetic insularity. Not only does each of these traits make it difficult to give voice to common sense or moral intuitions, they also impede development of the sort of rational political discourse that is appropriate to the needs of a mature, complex, liberal, pluralistic development.”

“Rights talk” is what remains when deeper questions of right and wrong are taken off the table. The most important right at stake in Proposition 8 is the right — and the responsibility — of California voters to define and defend marriage as the union of a man and a woman.


R. Albert Mohler Jr. is president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. This column first appeared at

New Youth Convention Threatens to Promote Homosexuality, Abortion

By Piero A. Tozzi

(C-FAM June 19. 2008) With the recent addition of Bolivia, seven counties have now ratified a treaty called the Ibero-American Convention on the Rights of Youth (ICRY), a document that worries Latin American social conservatives for its not-so-veiled promotion of radical social policies. The document includes references to “sexual and reproductive health” as well as “sexual orientation.”

Representatives from 14 Latin countries and the two major Iberian nations, Spain and Portugal, signed the Convention in Badajoz, Spain, in October 2005. The Organización Iberoamericana de Juventud (OIJ) spearheaded the drafting of the ICRY, with backing from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and Spain’s socialist government.

In accordance with its provisions, the treaty went into effect on March 1 after Costa Rica became the fifth country to adopt the document. In addition to Costa Rica, the other countries that have formally ratified the ICRY are Bolivia, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Spain, and Uruguay.

The Convention has met some resistance, however. The Peruvian Congress rejected the treaty over concerns that “sexual orientation” language was a backdoor attempt to soften resistance to homosexual “marriage.” Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador and Andorra have thus far refrained from signing ICRY, and Mexican pro-family groups are running a campaign urging Mexican President Felipe Calderón that the government not ratify it.

The Madrid Declaration, a separate document issued in November 2005 to promote “sexual and reproductive health rights” signed by the OIJ, specifically referenced implementing ICRY’s sexual education provision. Article 23 of the ICRY states that sex education will be imparted at “all educational levels,” oriented “to full acceptance and identity [of sexuality], as well as the prevention of sexually-transmitted diseases.”

Latin American pro-lifers are wary of inclusion of a right to “sexual and reproductive health.” The term has been used by UN agencies and powerful non-governmental organizations as a stalking horse for promoting abortion, even though no international treaty has defined reproductive health synonymously with abortion.

Under the ICRY, countries are required to report every two years to OIJ’s Secretary General. There is, however, no formal compliance monitoring mechanism, and ICRY’s juridical scope is not clearly defined. Supporters nevertheless see it as a “legal tool” for young people whose rights under the Convention have been breached. On the eve of the Convention’s entry into force, Costa Rica’s ambassador to Spain, Melvin Alfredo Saenz, reportedly told OIJ’s Secretary General Eugenio Ravinet Muñoz that his nation was fulfilling both an “ethical obligation” and a “juridical duty” in ratifying the ICRY.

An upcoming July Andean region youth and human rights gathering in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, sponsored by the Comisión Andina de Juristas and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, is expected to focus on how to utilize ICRY as a juridical instrument. According to the Inter-American Development Bank, representatives from government, civil society and academia will obtain specialized training in human rights implementation using the ICRY.


It’s true–the United Nations doesn’t promote abortion on demand. They just mandated it. Their many followers are leading the unborn lambs of their people to the slaughter. Seeing that Jesus died and rose again. I still suspect He will soon answer those that hate Him and love so much convenience killing. When he does, the nations, if not the world, will never be the same.

The underlying problem of many religious people wooed into believing the secular lies and lifestyles is the lack of understanding the rule of law. Jesus death was not about grace as much as it was the complete satisfaction of God legal justice. God grace cannot exist without the total satisfaction of the divine moral law. Just as the penalty for crime is never forgiveness, so too the penalty for sin or moral crime is always and everywhere capital punishment. Murders are never acquitted until tried and found not guilty. Moral crime is never acquitted without the death of the criminal or a willing sinless substitute–Jesus is the one and only. Secularists mock God and his law, but God will mock them with legal fairness and equality of justice by the truth.

It may not seem that God’s judgment is beginning to be executed but I believe it is. Consider what the gospels record about the times before the final judgment: it will be like in the days of Noah and of Lot.
Noah’s day was on of violence and indifference to God. Lot lived in a multicultural and tolerant culture where homosexuality and heterosexuality coexisted as normative. Yet, the gays attempted to defile holy angels that visited it, which means the end-game of sexual politics–justification of all immorality– seeks to destroy all morality and moral purity. That is what U.N. and all other secularists are all about.

If Latin American youth want freedom, a good and healthy life, and freedom, they will eliminate the sexual politics of immorality from their law and culture.

Sexual politics in Argentina, an example of its global reach

(Catholic News Agency) The president of Worldwide Action of Parliamentarians and Leaders for Life and the Family, Senator Liliana Negre de Alonso, warned this week the sex-ed program approved by the Federal Education Council of Argentina violates the fundamental rights of parents.

The contents of the program violate “the constitutional right of parents to participate in the education of their children in conformity with their intimate principles and convictions, violating the private sphere of the family and with that the guarantees conferred by the Constitution and by international agreements.”

Argentina’s Federal Education Council approved a sex-ed program that will be obligatory in all schools, from elementary to high school.

Along with education to promote immorality and drive business to abortion clinics, Argentine is facing the similar onslaught of gay socialist politics. The following is Catholic News Agency‘s report:

Pedro Zerolo, a well-known homosexual activist and the executive secretary of Spain’s Socialist Party (PSOE), traveled last week to Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay—where he met with president-elect and former bishop Fernando Lugo—to promote gender ideology and the legalization of gay marriage in South America.

After meeting with Lugo, Zerolo said Spain and Paraguay would work together on issues of poverty, education, gender and climate change. Zerolo also met with feminist and homosexual groups, telling them he is hopeful Paraguay will “develop policies with a gender perspective.”

In Argentina Zerolo met with President Cristina Kirchner, encouraging her to “move into the future” by allowing the approval of a measure that would legalize gay unions and give gay couples the right to adopt children. If Kirchner gives the green light, the measure would go before the Argentinean Congress.

“The same people who didn’t want anything to change in Spain will oppose this law here. But I’m not worried about protests from the right and from the Church,” Zerolo said.

Zerolo was president in 1993 of the Gay Collective of Madrid. In 1998 he was elected president of the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals. He won reelection to the post in 2000 and 2002.

As a member of Spain’s Socialist party, he was one of the main supporters of the legalization of homosexual unions in Spain. He participated in various attempts to get Spain’s Congress to modify the law on gay issues.

In 2005 he legalized his union with his gay partner. In addition to working for the Socialist Party, he is a Madrid city council member and a confidant of President Jose Luis Zapatero.

The sexual politics of fascists extends beyond America. It is global. Fascists, socialists, liberals, secularists seek to replace all public morality with their unnatural and immoral forms of relational values. Family values are largely moral ones. Just as the family is the foundation of society, morality is the means to a good society. Fascist sexual politics including homosexuality is an agenda that is good only for those who hate morality. Fascist sexual practice is a crime of multitudinous dimensions: It is a crime against God’s moral law; it is a crime against societal good; it is a crime against the family; it is a crime against children; it is a crime against human nature; it is a crime against humanity. If taken to its logical conclusion, fascist sexual politics seeks to destroy society only to satisfy their bondage to their hedonism, and the gay lifestyle leads to the end of society. An honest gay lifestyle can never produce the next generation.

Of course, fascists sexual politics is more often based on deception and lies than honesty. The women involved in Roe v Wade and Jane Doe have testified before the US Congress that their abortion cases were based on fraudulent claims. Sex education was founded on fraudulent sex research by Prof. Kinsey. Gays want everyone to believe their lies about how they were born gay or that their is some sort of gay DNA.

The louder they accuse their moral opponents of hate or homophobia the more it becomes evident that they hate God and human morality as created by God.

There are ways to their political agenda. God still answers the prayer of His people. God can thwart their political agenda and redeem their soul. People who still hold to natural morality can collective stand against their politics by protesting any and all efforts to their social and political leaders. Now is the time.

Louisiana defeats a fascist bill that would make gays a protected class

The Louisiana legislature defeated bill HB 981 Homosexual Privileges Bill on May 30. Rep. LaFonta’s bill would have forced government agencies to add homosexuality as a protected class under hiring practices.

Fascist gay activists and politicians are seeking to convince local, state, and federal government to pass this type of bill. The bill is sometimes called Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). ENDA was defeated in Congress earlier this year. Whether as legislation or local ordinance, this type of law will force communities and individuals businesses and landlords to violate their First Amendment rights.

Gay rights law is the end game of liberal politics. As explained by Jonah Goldberg, the history of American liberalism is the development of fascist socialism similar to Italy’s Mussolini, Russia’s Marixist-Lennonism, Germany’s Nazism, and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal carried forward by Lyndon B, Johnson’s Great Society. All of them shared the same basic ideals. The sexual politics of liberals has long been a direct effort to replace western biblically-based moral values with those usually defined as humanism. An all encompassing term for all of these political, social, and value systems is secularism.

The oft-repeated slander of the Left that the religious view, moral values, and political principles of America’s founding are somehow antiquated is the lie of propagandists. The political ideals and the moral values on which they were justified are common to human nature. The natural law basis of the Constitution is not rooted in modern secular ideals. The two are conflicting opposites. Natural law is reasoned from human nature and moral law. Human nature doesn’t change and consequently neither does moral law. The Left opposes this in order to foist upon all their immorality. Homosexuality is unnatural behavior and it is immoral. Not discriminating against it is a crime against nature.

All states should follow Louisiana’s lead.

NY Governor’s Executive Order a Move Toward Nazism

New York’s governor, David A. Paterson, is following the path of pre-Hilter Reich led by the Kaiser. He was notorious for bypassing the processes of a Democratic government. In order to accomplish what he wanted often in opposition of the duly elected legislator, he employed the dictatorial tool of the executive order. It is only dictatorial tool available to the executive provided by a democratic form of government. Hitler was democratically elected. Once elected, Hitler took the common use of the executive order for making public law to its final purpose.

The move toward totalitarianism is already blatantly practiced by gays and their supportive politicians. Gov. Patterson has taken the next step toward a totalitarian state. When people with a moral conscience are no longer permitted to freely criticize the behavioral politics of sexual immorality, their Constitutional rights have been usurped. When moral or religious people are fired for the same reasons, the supposed liberal right to employment becomes non-existent. More importantly, so does their right to assembly in term of economics. When employers are forced to hire those whose behavior offend their religious or moral beliefs, business owner have lost their 1st amendment rights. When ex-gays cannot freely speak at churches, college campuses, or in other public without fascist gays disrupting their meeting to an extent that riot police must be involved, American of opposing views have in-effect lost their free speech rights. That is especially so because typically police do not forceful remove radical and violent gays from the premises of those public forums.

For public officials to abolish the moral bases of social law is to violate the very principle of our Republican form of constitutional government rooted in natural law and religion. Consent of the many does not make constitutional law when it violates the other part of Declaration of Independence that speaks of appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions and ith a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.

Besides, gay politics claim civil rights to justify their politics. Yet, civil rights law founded on the 14th and 15 amendments are directly linked to the Declaration of Independence. The equality spoken of in the Declaration is part of natural law as given by the Creator, Providence, and Supreme Judge– in other words, God. God did not create homosexuals. It is obvious to both Reason and Revelation that God make male and female for sexual relations, which is the a major reason for marriage. Natural law states that any practice contrary to nature is evil. That what gay politics is all about.

Leading the totalitarian charge is gay organizations like Amnesty International, Gay Straight Alliance Network International, GLAAD, GLSEN, Human Rights Campaign, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Lambda Legal, Marriage Equality, Stonewall Democrats. They are supported mostly by those of the liberal, humanist, and socialist persuasion including organizations like Democratic party, United Nations, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, many corporations, American Civil Liberties Union, and the like. Senators Obama and Clinton officially support the gay agenda.

Pinellas County Florida Commissioner Pander to Gay Special Interest

Florida’s Pinellas County Commissioners approved a proposal by homosexual activists to add “sexual orientation” to their county’s human rights law on April 22nd. They also are considering adding gender identity to the new ordinance.

The whole purpose of this proposal is to establish government approval of the homosexual lifestyle, empower gay activism and advance secular progression.

The “gay community” fails miserably to prove that they meet the top two criteria for inclusion in discrimination laws. The overwhelming evidence clearly indicates they do not (1) suffer a widespread pattern of discrimination evidenced by (2) demonstrable economic hardship.

During the culmination of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, African Americans produced enough affidavits and documents proving their need for legal protection to fill up six government warehouses.

This is not the case with the gay community who boasts an average household income of over $85,000. They also boast their 26 million gays and lesbians in the US have a disposable income of $450 billion which is larger than the combined disposable incomes of Latino and African Americans. Source:

Additionally, there is no better evidence to disprove the allegation that widespread discrimination exists against gays and lesbians than what is found in the City of Tampa’s 17 year history of enforcing their ordinance. Florida Family Association’s review of the cases filed under Tampa’s “sexual orientation” ordinance found that after 17 years there has not been one complaint filed that has resulted in a court affirming that a person was actually discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation. Instead of legitimate complaints,, gays and lesbians filed complaints that sought to protect irresponsible behavior on the job. Some examples include:

1. A lesbian filed a complaint against The Tampa Tribune after being fired for repeatedly stalking a female co-worker.
2. A homosexual filed a complaint against Holiday Inn after being fired for using derogatory racist comments against a black co-worker.
3. A homosexual filed a law suit against Waffle House for $2 million after being fired for violating company policy against dating co-workers which also applied to heterosexuals.
4. A transvestite filed a complaint against Blimpie’s Subs after being fired for soliciting sub shop patrons for prostitution.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a branch of the United States government, typically is charged with investigating and prosecuting discrimination complaints involving race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status. City, county and state agencies typically refer discrimination complaints involving these categories to the EEOC. However, the responsibility to investigate and prosecute complaints involving discrimination on the basis of “sexual orientation” and other categories falls on the enacting municipality. This means that Pinellas County will have to spend additional tax payer dollars to cover the additional costs of investigating and prosecuting complaints for discrimination allegations based upon categories which fall outside of the jurisdiction of the EEOC.

Defending against discrimination complaints places a financial burden on businesses. A business owner typically hires an attorney to represent their interest when a discrimination complaint is filed against them. The average cost of legal fees to defend against a discrimination complaint can exceed $100,000 per complaint.

In conclusion, the “sexual orientation” ordinance will:

1. Give a special status to an undeserving, affluent class, empower gay activism and give government approval to the homosexual lifestyle.
2. Change the public policy image of the Suncoast community.
3. Result in numerous frivolous complaints which seek to protect irresponsible behavior
4. Cost additional taxpayer dollars to investigate and prosecute frivolous complaints.
5. Cost businesses valuable resources to defend against frivolous complaints.

Pinellas County citizens could stop their government’s irresponsible and illegal actions. Yes, there is no legitimate law sanctioning feelings (sexual orientation) or unnatural behaviors (homosexuality). Sexual orientation or marriage ordinances violate not uphold equality law. Founders who promoted maximal individual freedom also opposed the harmful behavior of sodomy. Public officials hold the responsibility for promoting the general welfare of all constituency. They violate that trust by pandering to well-financed special interest, diminish the family values and social morality, and fail or refuse to vigorously pursue actually rehabilitative justice for those gays whose behaviors reciprocate childhood sexual abuse or formative influences now prevalent in society. Worse yet is the evidence that gay rights leads to the suppression of all First Amendment rights. Totalitarianism is the end result of multiculturalism and its moral relativity and tolerance. Its evident in Massachusetts, California, Canada, and in Europe.

If I lived in Pinellas County, I would demand the reversal of the new ordinance or I would be wanting those commissioners out of office now.

Source: Florida Family Association and Tampa Bay Times

Why Would Elementary Kids Plot To Kill Their School Teacher?

On April 2, the Mercury News reported on the plot to kill a teacher by a group 8-10 year old children. The following are excerpts from the story:

A group of children ages 8 to 10 apparently were mad at their teacher because she had scolded one of them for standing on a chair, authorities say.

That led the third-graders, as many as nine boys and girls, to plot an attack on the teacher at Center Elementary School in Waycross, Georgia…. The students apparently planned to knock the teacher unconscious with a glass paperweight, bind her with handcuffs and duct tape and then stab her with a broken steak knife. The scheme involved a division of roles…. One child’s job was to cover windows so no one could see outside, and another was supposed to clean up after the attack.

School officials had alerted police Friday after a pupil tipped off a teacher that a girl had taken a weapon to school.

District Attorney Rick Currie said he decided to seek juvenile charges against two girls, ages 9 and 10, who brought the knife and paperweight and an 8-year-old boy who brought tape. He said they face charges of conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, and both girls are being charged with taking weapons to school.

The teacher told police that the kids were not known as troublemakers. That makes their actions all the more puzzling.

Bill Keller has an idea about why these otherwise good kids could conceive a plot to kill their teacher only because their were criticized for misbehaving in class. The following excerpts are from his excellent commentary originally aired at and transcripted by A New Tone.

I am dealing with this sad story today because it is simply another classic example of what I have been talking about these last 9 years. This nation is in spiritual freefall. We are in a spiritual abyss. This story of 3rd graders plotting to brutally attack and most likely kill their teacher is a clear symptom of a society that is out of control. Kids see acts of violence as a form of expression. No longer do the vast majority of people have any sort of moral or ethical compass to guide their lives. Right and wrong are now determined by each individual.

I have had the sad experience of seeing our society and culture literally disintegrating over my 5 decades of life. This is NOT the same world, the same culture, I was born into and grew up in as a child. We legally slaughter 4,000 innocent babies EVERY 24 HOURS and nobody says a word. The sin of homosexuality is now accepted as a mainstream lifestyle. Sex is no longer viewed as a gift from God for a man and woman in the bonds of marriage, but a sport to be played by anyone, of any age, at any time, with anyone, in any way. The proliferation of porn and gambling have destroyed any stigma they used to carry and have helped to further erode the moral and ethical choices people make.

The daily avenue of escape most people choose are drugs and alcohol, which further deadens a person’s ability to make wise choices. Living together outside of marriage is considered perfectly acceptable and God’s holy institution of marriage has been turned into little more than a legal date by most. Most children no longer grow up in a loving, nurturing home with their mother and father, but in every kind of unstable and unhealthy situation you can imagine. THE BETTER PERCENTAGE OF TWO FULL GENERATIONS HAVE NEVER EVEN BEEN TO CHURCH AND HAVE NO FAITH OR CONNECTION TO GOD!

So why are we really shocked when a bunch of third graders decide they want to attack their teacher? If you haven’t read the Bible and the various passages that describe the signs of the last days, we are living in them right now. Time is very short and Jesus is coming soon. These children in Georgia are just further evidence of that. Look at the recent news regarding kids. Gangs of teen girls brutalizing people and involved in serious crimes like robbery, stealing cars, dealing drugs, and even murder. An 8-year-old who raped an elderly woman. 12-year-old girls who were suspended for having a contest on the school bus to see how many boys they could give oral sex to on the way to school. Those are just a few, there are many more.

The legitimate question is where are children of this age learning this type of behavior. First, at home. So many are growing up in Godless, faithless, broken and blended homes where the only modeling they see by adults is negative. Second, is the media and technology kids are exposed to and have today. Please don’t for a second underestimate the power of television, movies, music, advertising, video games, and the internet has on shaping the thoughts, ideals, and values of kids today. With very little positive influence at home, without any spiritual influence in their lives, the minds of our kids today are being shaped by our Godless culture that promotes every kind of sin and debauchery you can imagine. Understanding this, why are we shocked when we see the type of behavior we see from children today?

Liberals seem blind to this reality. By liberals I mean those who views encompass secularism, humanism, anarchism, socialism. They also tend to be affiliated with the Democratic Party. While they promote hate crime laws, three strikes law and tougher laws on youth crime, they vehemently defend and promote all of the problems addressed by Keller. Because Liberals define freedom as the uninhibited pursuit of personal autonomy and happiness on humanist and socialist terms, their hedonistic views and behavior is seen as desirable as much so as those who regard religion and morality or wealth and power as means to personal happiness. Therefore, groups like the ACLU, American Way, Americans United, NARAL, LGBT, Planned Parenthood defend the right to public access to porn and other obscenities, to any sexual behavior, to no public influence of religious morality, to the free market and profits of any kind related behavior including abortion. Sensuality and violence is big business is America. Changing it would hurt the bottom line. Restoring moral based law would bankrupt Planned Parenthood’s billion dollar enterprise as it would the ACLU, the porn industry, and many other vice-based commerce.

As Keller indicated, kids are simply acting out what American society is actually teaching them. No crime law will stop it only religiously-oriented moral laws and subsequent acculturation of their underlying moral view can. Liberal activists know this well.

Liberal Politics Killing Moral Decency in Kentucky

According to the Family Foundation of Kentucky, two bills that would have prevented the support of domestic partnerships at colleges and prohibited total nudity in night clubs and bars was killed in committee by liberal Democrats.

Senate Bill 112 waskilled in Rep. Tom Burch’s House Health and Welfare Committee. It had been placed there for the purpose of killing it. This bill, which bans state universities and state agencies from creating “domestic partner” benefits, passed its Senate committee and the full Senate. It only had to pass out of its House committee because all believed it would pass the full House to become law if released from committee. It was killed in its House committee chaired by Rep. Tom Burch. UK and U of L continue to defy the 2004 Marriage Protection Amendment and to discriminate against family members of employees while covering live-in lovers and roommates with insurance.

Senate Bill 63 was killed in Rep. Kathy Stein’s House Judiciary Committee. Like SB 40, she did not even grant it a hearing! This bill stops total nudity at strip clubs and bans the touching of performers. It had passed its Senate committee and the full Senate. It only had to pass out of its House committee because all believe it will pass the full House to become law if released from committee. Rep. Kathy Stein chose not to give it a hearing in her committee. 114 of Kentucky’s 120 counties already have such regulations. This law would have brought state support to the efforts of local city and county governments.

Liberals apparently define freedom as moral anarchy, sleaze, and corrupt behavior. Heil! To modern liberal secularists.

Gay Sexual Anarchy From Amsterdam to Boston

The city of Amsterdam has announced it will now permit homosexual sex in public areas. They can’t stop it, anyway, say the city officials. As the London Telegraph reports:

Paul van Grieken, an Alderman in the Oud-Zuid district of the city, has startled many Amsterdammers, despite their famously liberal attitudes, with plans to allow public sex as part of this summer’s new rules of conduct for the country’s best-known park.

“Why should we try to impose something that is actually impossible to impose, which also causes little bother for others and for a certain group actually means much pleasure?”, he said. . .

Will Massachusetts be next? MassResistance says that Masschusetts House Bill H1709 would have repealed “sodomy laws” and other laws regarding public morality. Recently the homosexual newspaper Bay Windows admitted that these laws “have historically been used to target gay men in cruising areas” and thus the homosexual lobby is out to get them repealed.

These “cruising areas” are usually public parks, rest areas, wooded areas, stores, and public mens’ rooms across the state. Some places have so bad that public officials have to warn parents and children to stay away from those areas. The homosexual legal groups have fought hard to keep police at bay, but some police departments have refused to be intimidated.

The path of the gay politics is to moral anarchy and an indecent world–kind of like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Source: MassResistance