Tag Archives: God

Protesting smut opera: the Jerry Springer production

You don’t have to be Catholic to detest production like Jerry Springer–The Opera in Concert. It is as despicable as the Springer show–maybe worse if that’s possible. That should make its anti-Christian, anti-moral, anti-decency content offensive to just about every parent, moral, and religious person everywhere.

I learned about this productions continued showing in America from the The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. TFP was born as counter-revolutionary mission by a group of Catholic Americans concerned about the multiple crises shaking every aspect of American life. American TFP was formed in 1973 to resist, in the realm of ideas, the liberal, socialist and communist trends of the times and proudly affirm the positive values of tradition, family and property. They seek to defend, maintain, and restore our Christian civilization.

In a recent article titled When Opera Is Offensive: Protesting a Jerry Springer Production, American TFP outlined a few examples of the offense features that the “opera” includes:

• The crucifixion is mocked and the Eucharist is trashed.
• There is a lady singing “Jerry eleison” (mocking the Mass: Kyrie Eleison).
• Jesus is introduced as “the hypocrite son of the fascist tyrant on high.” He wears a diaper, is fat and effeminate and later admits: “Actually, I am a bit gay.”
• Eve gropes Jesus in a manner too indecent to describe while the Annunciation is described as a rape.
• God is a fat man in a white suit who complains about being blamed for everyone’s problems. He invites Jerry Springer to join Him to “sit in Heaven beside me, hold my hand and guide me.” At the end, Jerry emerges as the true savior of mankind.

The American TFP protests such an indecent portrayal and finds objectionable the fact that God and Christ are made to say the most filthy and absurd things. The profanity-laced production considers nothing sacred.

The “opera” has earned its blasphemous reputation. In London, the debut was the subject of a libel suit for defaming Christians. When it was to be aired on the BBC, it drew more than 60,000 complaints, according to TFP.

In America, TFP and supporters have already been active in protesting this production. “Hundreds of people were out for opening night at Carnegie Hall in New York last January.” Since they learned of the plan to put on the show in Cincinnati, the Cincinnati theater has admitted having received 14,000 letters from TFP supporters protesting the show.

In face of such insults to the Faith, Christians cannot remain silent. Other people of religious and moral conviction cannot remain silent either for the simple reason that their beliefs and moral values will be attacked next. That is why the TFP is asking us to make our voices heard by sending an e-protest which will be forwarded to both theaters automatically. Please attend the public act of reparation at the New Stage Collective in Cincinnati! (To do so, go here.)

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property web address is http://www.tfp.org.

NY Governor’s Executive Order a Move Toward Nazism

New York’s governor, David A. Paterson, is following the path of pre-Hilter Reich led by the Kaiser. He was notorious for bypassing the processes of a Democratic government. In order to accomplish what he wanted often in opposition of the duly elected legislator, he employed the dictatorial tool of the executive order. It is only dictatorial tool available to the executive provided by a democratic form of government. Hitler was democratically elected. Once elected, Hitler took the common use of the executive order for making public law to its final purpose.

The move toward totalitarianism is already blatantly practiced by gays and their supportive politicians. Gov. Patterson has taken the next step toward a totalitarian state. When people with a moral conscience are no longer permitted to freely criticize the behavioral politics of sexual immorality, their Constitutional rights have been usurped. When moral or religious people are fired for the same reasons, the supposed liberal right to employment becomes non-existent. More importantly, so does their right to assembly in term of economics. When employers are forced to hire those whose behavior offend their religious or moral beliefs, business owner have lost their 1st amendment rights. When ex-gays cannot freely speak at churches, college campuses, or in other public without fascist gays disrupting their meeting to an extent that riot police must be involved, American of opposing views have in-effect lost their free speech rights. That is especially so because typically police do not forceful remove radical and violent gays from the premises of those public forums.

For public officials to abolish the moral bases of social law is to violate the very principle of our Republican form of constitutional government rooted in natural law and religion. Consent of the many does not make constitutional law when it violates the other part of Declaration of Independence that speaks of appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions and ith a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.

Besides, gay politics claim civil rights to justify their politics. Yet, civil rights law founded on the 14th and 15 amendments are directly linked to the Declaration of Independence. The equality spoken of in the Declaration is part of natural law as given by the Creator, Providence, and Supreme Judge– in other words, God. God did not create homosexuals. It is obvious to both Reason and Revelation that God make male and female for sexual relations, which is the a major reason for marriage. Natural law states that any practice contrary to nature is evil. That what gay politics is all about.

Leading the totalitarian charge is gay organizations like Amnesty International, Gay Straight Alliance Network International, GLAAD, GLSEN, Human Rights Campaign, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, Lambda Legal, Marriage Equality, Stonewall Democrats. They are supported mostly by those of the liberal, humanist, and socialist persuasion including organizations like Democratic party, United Nations, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, many corporations, American Civil Liberties Union, and the like. Senators Obama and Clinton officially support the gay agenda.

Why Would Elementary Kids Plot To Kill Their School Teacher?

On April 2, the Mercury News reported on the plot to kill a teacher by a group 8-10 year old children. The following are excerpts from the story:

A group of children ages 8 to 10 apparently were mad at their teacher because she had scolded one of them for standing on a chair, authorities say.

That led the third-graders, as many as nine boys and girls, to plot an attack on the teacher at Center Elementary School in Waycross, Georgia…. The students apparently planned to knock the teacher unconscious with a glass paperweight, bind her with handcuffs and duct tape and then stab her with a broken steak knife. The scheme involved a division of roles…. One child’s job was to cover windows so no one could see outside, and another was supposed to clean up after the attack.

School officials had alerted police Friday after a pupil tipped off a teacher that a girl had taken a weapon to school.

District Attorney Rick Currie said he decided to seek juvenile charges against two girls, ages 9 and 10, who brought the knife and paperweight and an 8-year-old boy who brought tape. He said they face charges of conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, and both girls are being charged with taking weapons to school.

The teacher told police that the kids were not known as troublemakers. That makes their actions all the more puzzling.

Bill Keller has an idea about why these otherwise good kids could conceive a plot to kill their teacher only because their were criticized for misbehaving in class. The following excerpts are from his excellent commentary originally aired at Liveprayer.com and transcripted by A New Tone.

I am dealing with this sad story today because it is simply another classic example of what I have been talking about these last 9 years. This nation is in spiritual freefall. We are in a spiritual abyss. This story of 3rd graders plotting to brutally attack and most likely kill their teacher is a clear symptom of a society that is out of control. Kids see acts of violence as a form of expression. No longer do the vast majority of people have any sort of moral or ethical compass to guide their lives. Right and wrong are now determined by each individual.

I have had the sad experience of seeing our society and culture literally disintegrating over my 5 decades of life. This is NOT the same world, the same culture, I was born into and grew up in as a child. We legally slaughter 4,000 innocent babies EVERY 24 HOURS and nobody says a word. The sin of homosexuality is now accepted as a mainstream lifestyle. Sex is no longer viewed as a gift from God for a man and woman in the bonds of marriage, but a sport to be played by anyone, of any age, at any time, with anyone, in any way. The proliferation of porn and gambling have destroyed any stigma they used to carry and have helped to further erode the moral and ethical choices people make.

The daily avenue of escape most people choose are drugs and alcohol, which further deadens a person’s ability to make wise choices. Living together outside of marriage is considered perfectly acceptable and God’s holy institution of marriage has been turned into little more than a legal date by most. Most children no longer grow up in a loving, nurturing home with their mother and father, but in every kind of unstable and unhealthy situation you can imagine. THE BETTER PERCENTAGE OF TWO FULL GENERATIONS HAVE NEVER EVEN BEEN TO CHURCH AND HAVE NO FAITH OR CONNECTION TO GOD!

So why are we really shocked when a bunch of third graders decide they want to attack their teacher? If you haven’t read the Bible and the various passages that describe the signs of the last days, we are living in them right now. Time is very short and Jesus is coming soon. These children in Georgia are just further evidence of that. Look at the recent news regarding kids. Gangs of teen girls brutalizing people and involved in serious crimes like robbery, stealing cars, dealing drugs, and even murder. An 8-year-old who raped an elderly woman. 12-year-old girls who were suspended for having a contest on the school bus to see how many boys they could give oral sex to on the way to school. Those are just a few, there are many more.

The legitimate question is where are children of this age learning this type of behavior. First, at home. So many are growing up in Godless, faithless, broken and blended homes where the only modeling they see by adults is negative. Second, is the media and technology kids are exposed to and have today. Please don’t for a second underestimate the power of television, movies, music, advertising, video games, and the internet has on shaping the thoughts, ideals, and values of kids today. With very little positive influence at home, without any spiritual influence in their lives, the minds of our kids today are being shaped by our Godless culture that promotes every kind of sin and debauchery you can imagine. Understanding this, why are we shocked when we see the type of behavior we see from children today?

Liberals seem blind to this reality. By liberals I mean those who views encompass secularism, humanism, anarchism, socialism. They also tend to be affiliated with the Democratic Party. While they promote hate crime laws, three strikes law and tougher laws on youth crime, they vehemently defend and promote all of the problems addressed by Keller. Because Liberals define freedom as the uninhibited pursuit of personal autonomy and happiness on humanist and socialist terms, their hedonistic views and behavior is seen as desirable as much so as those who regard religion and morality or wealth and power as means to personal happiness. Therefore, groups like the ACLU, American Way, Americans United, NARAL, LGBT, Planned Parenthood defend the right to public access to porn and other obscenities, to any sexual behavior, to no public influence of religious morality, to the free market and profits of any kind related behavior including abortion. Sensuality and violence is big business is America. Changing it would hurt the bottom line. Restoring moral based law would bankrupt Planned Parenthood’s billion dollar enterprise as it would the ACLU, the porn industry, and many other vice-based commerce.

As Keller indicated, kids are simply acting out what American society is actually teaching them. No crime law will stop it only religiously-oriented moral laws and subsequent acculturation of their underlying moral view can. Liberal activists know this well.