Louisiana defeats a fascist bill that would make gays a protected class

The Louisiana legislature defeated bill HB 981 Homosexual Privileges Bill on May 30. Rep. LaFonta’s bill would have forced government agencies to add homosexuality as a protected class under hiring practices.

Fascist gay activists and politicians are seeking to convince local, state, and federal government to pass this type of bill. The bill is sometimes called Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). ENDA was defeated in Congress earlier this year. Whether as legislation or local ordinance, this type of law will force communities and individuals businesses and landlords to violate their First Amendment rights.

Gay rights law is the end game of liberal politics. As explained by Jonah Goldberg, the history of American liberalism is the development of fascist socialism similar to Italy’s Mussolini, Russia’s Marixist-Lennonism, Germany’s Nazism, and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal carried forward by Lyndon B, Johnson’s Great Society. All of them shared the same basic ideals. The sexual politics of liberals has long been a direct effort to replace western biblically-based moral values with those usually defined as humanism. An all encompassing term for all of these political, social, and value systems is secularism.

The oft-repeated slander of the Left that the religious view, moral values, and political principles of America’s founding are somehow antiquated is the lie of propagandists. The political ideals and the moral values on which they were justified are common to human nature. The natural law basis of the Constitution is not rooted in modern secular ideals. The two are conflicting opposites. Natural law is reasoned from human nature and moral law. Human nature doesn’t change and consequently neither does moral law. The Left opposes this in order to foist upon all their immorality. Homosexuality is unnatural behavior and it is immoral. Not discriminating against it is a crime against nature.

All states should follow Louisiana’s lead.

2 responses to “Louisiana defeats a fascist bill that would make gays a protected class

  1. Hell yeah!

    The USA, proudly marching into the 18th century!

  2. I read among key leaders of the British military during the American Revolutionary War were gays, womenizers, and gamblers. Theses key leaders were enjoying their hedonistic pleasures so much that they assisted George Washington and his scraggly militia win the war. Of course, the French came to Washington’s aid at just the providential moment to seal the victory. Washington gave God more credit for winning the Revolution than to France, or to his often deserting militia, or to the Britain’s commanders and their immorality.

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