Tag Archives: ACLU

Atheist, ACLU, Rules Illinois Not Citizens and Their Representatives

Just five months ago, Illinois lawmakers voted in favor of a daily moment of silence in public schools. In October, an atheist, backed by the American Civil Liberties Union, filed suit. Now, 33 state representatives have changed their minds.

The Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act required Illinois public schools to start each day with a brief period of silence.

“That action actually passed the Senate chamber and the House chamber overwhelmingly, with bipartisanship support from both sides of the aisle,” said Sen. Kimberly Lightford, the Democrat who sponsored the bill.

She said she suspects the 33 lawmakers were pressured to change their vote when the state House voted on a new measure this week.

Source: CitizenLink Daily

Sacramento Community, ACLU, and Creating More Ted Bundys

The following report is another demonstration of the ACLU’s disregard for community values, democratic process, moral decency, and impressionable children. They care about only one thing forcing on America their radical and anarchical secular views.

Last spring, the Sacramento Public Library Authority (SPLA) Board voted – by a slim majority – to adopt an Internet-use policy aimed at maintaining a “safe, welcoming and comfortable environment.” This action was seen as a compromise position.

Now, the SPLA Board is being pushed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to increase access to pornography on taxpayer-funded computers. The Board will consider the ACLU’s demands at its meeting this afternoon, March 27, in the chambers of the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, 700 H Street. The public meeting begins at 3:30 p.m.

Local parents and taxpayers are encouraged to attend the meeting, and to urge the Board to keep libraries safe for kids. An attorney from Pacific Justice Institute will also be present to counter ACLU claims that the First Amendment requires taxpayer-funded access to porn, and to remind the Board of the many tragic instances where lax policies have resulted in sex crimes taking place at libraries.

Does America exist to fulfill the secular agenda of anarchical socialists like the ACLU? Who said pornography is a free speech right? Library computers are public forums. So what happened to laws protecting public decency and forbidding public obscenity? I know Americans are supposed to bow to the fear-mongering of the mighty ACLU and also pass public policies to protect the equal rights of the Ted Bundys of society. Ted Bundy said his path to mass rape and murder began by consuming pornography. Maybe the ACLU actually wants a lot more people like Bundy. You have got to admit it would give them a lot more business.

A national class-action suit against the ACLU is what is actually needed in America. California is a cultural trend setter; why shouldn’t it begin in California?

News Source: California Family Council

ADF attorney to debate ACLU on same-sex “marriage” Monday

Alliance Defense Fund Senior Vice-President of Strategic Training Jeffery Ventrella will participate in a panel debate Monday at the Florida A&M University College of Law on the topic of same-sex “marriage” and the Florida marriage amendment. The debate is co-sponsored by the Christian Legal Society and the Federalist Society.

“The government should promote and encourage strong families. Marriage between one man and one woman does that; same-sex ‘marriage’ does not, and that’s why the law should not sanction it,” said Ventrella. “Same-sex ‘marriage’ is like trying to draw square circles: You can believe in them, you can talk about them, but you can’t actually draw them. The opponents of marriage aren’t merely trying to redefine marriage, they’re trying to eliminate it.”

Ventrella is an experienced debater and panelist, having challenged many high-profile opponents, including American Civil Liberties Union President Nadine Strossen, on various issues related to constitutional law. He has debated and spoken in numerous venues, including Los Angeles’ Museum of Tolerance, the University of California at Berkeley, Duke University, Camden-Rutgers University, and the University of Virginia.

Also arguing on the panel for preserving marriage will be John Stemberger, president and general counsel of the Florida Family Policy Council. Glenn Katon, director of the Central Region for the ACLU of Florida, and Dr. Eric Smaw of Rollins College will be advocating for the redefinition of marriage.

ADF is a legal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth through strategy, training, funding, and litigation. ADF President Alan Sears is co-author with Craig Osten of the book The ACLU vs. America.

For more information, visit the ADFwebsite.