Tag Archives: Colorado

Colorado law signals end of gender-specific restrooms

Yesterday – May 29, 2008 – Colorado’s Governor Bill Ritter signed into law a bill that makes it illegal in that state to discriminate against homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgendered people when buying a home, renting an apartment or using public accommodations.

There are many laws already in place or under consideration – including the one currently under consideration by Ohio’s Legislature – that establish sexual orientation, gender identity and/or transgendered status as a protected class under civil rights laws. Any such law is inherently discriminatory and is a threat to some of our most fundamental freedoms.

But the Colorado law is particularly egregious.

It is the section of the law that addresses public accommodations that makes it so. This aspect of the law would make it legal for those who identify themselves as transgendered – i.e., those who were born one gender but identify themselves with the other, even temporarily – to use any public restrooms in which they feel most comfortable.

Read the statement of Dr. James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family:

“Who would have believed that the Colorado state Legislature and its governor would have made it fully legal for men to enter and use women’s restrooms and locker-room facilities without notice or explanation?

“Henceforth, every woman and little girl will have to fear that a predator, bisexual, cross-dresser or even a homosexual or heterosexual male might walk in and relieve himself in their presence. The legislation lists every conceivable type of organization to which this law applies, including restaurants, bathhouses, massage parlors, mortuaries, theaters and ‘public facilities of any kind.’ Those who would attempt to protect females from this intrusion are subject to a fine of up to $5,000 and up to one year behind bars.

“This is your government in action. It represents a payback to Tim Gill and two other billionaires who have essentially ‘bought’ state legislators with enormous campaign contributions. Coloradans deserve better!

“And by the way, because of the way this bill is written, it is not subject to the initiative process. There is no recourse.”

This is beyond belief! Pray for our country.

Source: Center for Community Values, Citizens’ E-Courier, May 30, 2008.

Ruined children state sanctioned

The other day, I sat next to a very confused 18-year-old young man. His father and stepmother, with sad voices and heavy hearts, told me the boy, as a youngster, had been molested by a relative, now considers himself “gay,” and frequently wears women’s clothes. His step mom told me she was afraid he was going be killed. She said he goes to bars dressed as a woman, and that someone is going to be very angry to find out the “she” is really a “he.” I tried to talk to the young man, but as severely disturbed as he was, he wouldn’t talk and only giggled nervously.

I put the parents in touch with a local Exodus International counselor who specializes on helping persons who struggle with homosexuality and gender-identity disorder. I was still thinking about the boy’s condition on a particularly busy morning when I missed breakfast and drove through McDonald’s for an egg burrito. The girl at the window had on a new, pink uniformed jacket. “Hey, those are good jackets,” I told her. “Are the boy’s jackets blue?” I asked. “No, they’re black,” she answered. I was surprised and impressed. Although McDonald‘s is a pro-homosexuality corporation, it still acknowledges the difference between outer male and outer female.

Do you realize what this means? We now live in a time when most people acknowledge the difference between male and female, but the government schools do not. A Colorado elementary school is teaching all the children there to approve of transsexuality in response to allowing an 8-year-old cross-dressing boy to enroll. And soon, because of new state laws, all California government schools will positively portray homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality to children as young as five years old, without parental permission.

The threat to children’s innocence is very real. No one can deny it. Pornography begets molestation, molestation begets homosexuality and transsexuality, and these sexual lifestyles combined with political activism have beget anti-family government and anti-family school policies, and the vicious cycle continues.

Rescue Your Child is one organization dedicated to helping parents discover how to save children morally, socially, and academically.

Planned Parenthood Plans Six-Story Houston Clinic

Denver Planned Parenthood is building a 50,000 square foot facility surpassing the newly built 22,000 square foot supercenter in Aurora Illinois. In Houston Texas the demand to kill the unborn is even greater than in Denver. Planned Parenthood of Houston will move into its new six story 78,000 square foot life-destroying center with an entire floor dedicated to late-term abortions, according to Jennifer Mesko, managing editor of CitizenLink Daily.

“Despite complaints from Planned Parenthood officials around the country about the closing of clinics, their strategy of opening larger, mega-clinics shows they are still well-invested in the killing of preborn life,” said Dawn Vargo, associate bioethics analyst for Focus on the Family Action. “While their tactics may be changing, the number of abortions they do each year continues to increase.”

In 2005, Planned Parenthood ended the lives of 264,943 preborn babies nationwide, according to its annual report. That was up almost 15 percent from 2002.

Planned Parenthood of Houston & Southeast Texas will open the abortion center in the fall, just outside the gates of the University of Houston’s main campus.

One question that comes to mind is why locate near a university. Do they expect high demand for their services from kids just getting started in life? It would appear so. That being the case, do they have marketing support at the university encouraging co-ed living and sexual freedom. In a last week post, they used Valentine’s Day to marketing the the use of their fashionable condoms. Why wouldn’t have a slick marketing program at the university to drive business and profits.

Christine Melchor, director of Houston’s Coalition for Life, said: “They like to be situated in some of the poorer, minority neighborhoods — that’s exactly where this building is — and close to college campuses; there are several colleges in that area.”

Prayer vigils and pickets are planned.

If you or someone you know is dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, Mesko says Focus on the Family can help.